
Supporting Client Response to COVID19 – Yobah Limited – The Cloud Migration Experts

Written by Admin | Feb 15, 2023 4:26:32 PM

Azzurro Associates is a leader in the Commercial Debt Solutions sector – Investor, Innovator, and Servicer, with a data-driven approach at their core, they exist to make a real difference to the way the Commercial and Consumer Credit industries operate.

A forward thinking business already operating remote working policies, Azzurro were already utilising Yobah’s Managed Workplace offering for some ‘standard’ Microsoft Office users but then in March 2020, the acceleration of the Corona Virus outbreak happened before a government declared lockdown on March 23rd.

The Challenge

With government advising that everyone should work at home where possible, the planning which had taken place for COVID19 and it’s impact on working practices highlighted issues around Azzurro’s Development and Data Science teams working with hi-spec desktop machines, configured to fit the office business workflow, and strict security requirements in place due to the nature of the work taking place.

Now these teams needed to work 100% remotely and fast.

How we helped make that happen

Yobah’s technical teams worked closely with the leadership team at Azzurro to determine the business impact of office closure, for standard users no problem existed but for developers and data scientists it was identified that there would be issues with connecting to data sources, applications installed wouldn’t be available on home machines and additionally there was a shortage of laptops globally meaning the tooling up and shipping out of new devices to team members simply wasn’t an option.

Virtual Workplace

Our Virtual Workplace means businesses can benefit from a remote desktop, anywhere and on any device. The solution powered by Microsoft Azure allows our technical team to provide ‘out of the box’ solutions or  create custom builds in line with Microsoft 365.  For Azzurro we were quickly able to create dedicated host pools for Developers and Data Scientists that included their application suite and customisation alongside a modified security model which ensured extra controls were in place to support new virtual desktops.

Together, every step of the way

We worked with Azzurro to deliver regular sessions to ensure user experience was expected and working in an agile way to deploy changes as they were needed and to ensure that the product and costs were suitable and predictable for the workload.

And Now?

100% of Azzurro’s teams are working remotely, Developers are working productively from home, using their own devices with the power and applications they have in the office. Data is secure, encrypted and audited and most importantly our clients are supporting their teams to stay home and save lives.

Want to know more?

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