What happens when… ‘ You Get a Dodgy Email’

Published: 15 February, 2023

We all get hundreds of emails, so it’s easy to make a mistake and click on one which is less than friendly especially when it looks legit!

It’ s a common mistake and one we’ve seen time and time before, our new series of helpful tips focuses on those ‘ emergency ticket’ moments so let’s take a look at…

‘ What Happens When You Get a Dodgy Email’ 


Let’s set the scene,  meet our client – we’ll call him Fred, some of you will remember him from last month’s edition of ‘What Happen’s When – he’s the guy who left his laptop on a train.

Today’s a busy day, Fred’s picking up emails on the go and spots one from someone in his team asking for expenses approval, he clicks the URL but hang on a minute, that doesn’t look right… too late! Fred’s opened a dodgy email…

So what happens next?

  • Fred feels a bit stupid, everyone knows about phishing emails – what was he thinking?
  • Fred doesn’t need to log the job. Yobah already know what’s happening and are on the case.
  • And although Fred has clicked the link, the link has been scanned to ensure it’s safe and if it isn’t (as in this case) the link is blocked.
  • Fred also has the comfort of an extra layer of security with Yobah’s Managed Internet Solution which also scans all links.
  • If Fred’s dodgy email had contained an attachment, security is even tighter – it simply wouldn’t reach him. The attachment is taken offline and ‘detonated’ in a secure environment and only if it is safe does it reach Fred’s inbox. If it’s malicious it gets blocked.
  • Fred gets a notification email so he knows what’s happened but also that Yobah has everything secure and under control.

The Science Bit

  • Safe Links and Safe Attachments protect against Zero-Day attacks (these are attacks that have not been seen before)
  • Yobah Managed Internet provides an additional layer of security
  • Monthly reports are provided to the customer showing how Managed Workplace has protected their business
  • All of this is included as standard in our Managed Workplace offering
  • With Managed Workplace Support – we’re always on hand to help customers with their Email Security.

Want to learn more about our Managed WorkPlace offering? why not get in touch for an informal chat and a demo to find out how we can get your teams working from securely from anywhere.